A review by andimontgomery
The Graveyard Shift by Darynda Jones


3.5 stars, rounded up. While the last book was technically the last in the Charley Davidson series, this book picks up with Elwyn’s (aka Beep’s) story, five years after Charley’s and Reyes’s disappearance.

Garrett is still Beep’s primary protector, with Donovan and the bikers, Artemis the departed Rottweiler, and the Hellhounds as additional protectors. Beep continues to live with Reyes’ parents on sacred ground. Uncle Bob, Cookie, and Angel also make appearances, and it was nice having the gang all together (sans Charley and Reyes). Marika (the mother of Garrett’s five year old son, also plays a bit part in this installment.

There are some significant occurrences in this novella which move the plot closer to the final battle between heaven and hell, and I’m very interested in what comes next.