A review by bract4813mypacksnet
Walking after Midnight ~ Collected Stories by C.S. Fuqua


Walking after Midnight is a sixty-one story collection of C.S. Fuqua’s short stories, a mix of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and southern gothic miniature masterpieces. I am not much of a horror fan, but these stories weren’t “gory” horror, but more of unexpected happenings. Fuqua’s writing is splendid. He captures the nuances of American language and the American soul with these gems, some of which are heartbreaking while others send a shiver up the reader’s spine. Each story is packed with details that make images spring to life within the reader’s mind. I particularly enjoyed the brief forward to each story in which Fuqua describes its origins—and they are many: Native American tales, stories from his family, from Vietnam veterans, music, all beautifully captured.