A review by mariettula
The Favor by Suzanne Wright


3.25 favorable stars

Now, I'm going to say this and it might sound like a dig, but it's sort of a compliment. This is the "what you got" book when your "what you ordered" is [b:Terms and Conditions|86767939|Terms and Conditions (Dreamland Billionaires, #2)|Lauren Asher|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1674743453l/86767939._SY75_.jpg|91507178]. It's a fun book, don't get me wrong. BUT it is the exact same premise, without the male protagonist's POV and without the sweet sweet grovel .

Vienna was actually a very cool heroine. I can't say I loved Dane as much and maybe that's because I didn't get his POV. Their siblings are awful though, I gotta say.

All in all, a fun read.