A review by a_reader_obsessed
Sand & Water by Shae Connor


3.5 to 4 Stars???

I'll be the first to admit that going into this, I was feeling "meh" about it. I simply expected a nice, average, simple story about a widower who meets someone who helps him with his grief, and everyone lives happily ever after.

What I got instead was a pretty poignant tale that centered on two people with terrible, heart breaking pasts and their efforts to find some well deserved happiness. This could've been trite, it could've moved too fast, it could've glossed over the ugly parts. But it didn't.

This was by no means perfect. Be aware the romantic progression was slow, there's a lot of kid time present, it chronicled the ordinary events of daily life. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the realistic execution, and I was impressed with the UST, smexy times, and emotional resonance. Perhaps my expectations were low and thus the higher rating, but I appreciated that not everything was neatly tied up into the perfect package we all typically demand and want. These guys have a tough road ahead, but at the end I truly believed that John and Bryan would be okay and that together, they would continue to work toward their happy ending.