A review by samanthawattam
The River of Adventure by Enid Blyton


Like generations of children I fell in love with reading largely due to Enid Blyton and she hasn’t lost the ability to enchant. The eighth and last in the Adventure series and very conveniently after having had a bad bout of influenza Dinah, Philip, Jack, and Lucy-Ann (accompanied by Kiki, the parrot) are sent away on vacation on doctor’s orders for convalescence - cue an adventure. They set off to Barira, near the borders of Syria, and board a river launch accompanied by guide Tala and Philip acquires a devoted fan in local boy Oola who proves mighty useful in a tight spot.

Enid Blyton is a master at spinning a fun and exciting yarn at which the children are centre stage very quickly the adults are incapacitated in some way and they are on their own. I love the way she includes the wildlife including a major part for Kiki, the parrot. I hope the current and future generations of children still continue to enjoy Enid Blyton because she is still worthy of attention.