A review by ardavis414
Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights by Katha Pollitt


Required reading for what Pollitt refers to as the “muddled middle.” Americans who are neither pro-choice nor anti-abortion but believe that abortion is a very unfortunate decision that women have to make and that it should be limited, but not banned.

Pro makes a similar argument that overlaps with Dorothy Roberts’ text, Killing the Black Body. Women should be able to have children regardless of their socioeconomic status. Americans have a right to the pursuit of happiness, including the experience of motherhood. Therefore, women shouldn’t have to choose between being childless and working a minimum-wage job or having children and working a minimum-wage job. Sometimes you have to play with the cards that life has dealt you. The biggest lesson to learn is that whether the woman wants to have a child or not is none of our business. Abortions are to be discussed between the person who is pregnant and their doctor.