A review by hstapp
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke


Liv is a closeted trans boy just entering middle school. Unfortunately, his middle school has a strict dress code, and he doesn't know how he's going to survive the dysphoria brought on by wearing a skirt all the time. Things just get worse as he discovers he and his friend have grown a part and he has to deal with homophobia when students learn that he has two mothers.

I'm a bit wary about books by (apparently) cis authors dealing with trans material, but the author's note does make it look like Cat did consult with some trans people about this story. Overall it's a pretty standard dealing with middleschool story, but with a number of queer and disability elements integrated into the story.

I love Liv's home life and how that is styled, and I like his budding relationship with Jacob and how its never hinted at that that relationship my be romantic. It's really a nice change. I don't think the book is without issue, but I think overall it is well done.

Really though, shape changing would totally have been on that list of best superpowers.