A review by blodeuedd
The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis


Most review seems to be user gentler words, but, no.

This is a shitty world. I do not really learn much about it and I would have liked more. War came. Now there are ghosts and evil men eating ghosts around. There are the rich and those without shadows (why, how?!). And poor people sell their daughters to brothels, there they are marked and used up until thrown out when they are too old. Some parents think they are better off, some just need money. But they are still made into whores.

And one day 5 run away after one of them kills a customer on her first night on the job.
Oh and there are these guys that mentally torture you too cos it is not enough you have to whore, but you are also mentally tortured cos they find it funny.

Yes, I would have liked to learn more about this world. And yes, I did feel they were too lucky. Everyone and their grandma was after them. Their pics were everywhere. They could not even go outside without covering their faces os they were branded, but still they manage to stay away from the law. A bit too far fetched for me.

They also go all banditas and start to rob people. And sure the people have it coming, but it does change from women escaping to more let's rob people and rich people suck.

The end is actually a semi good one, I was worried when I saw that it is a series. But you can leave them sort of for now, but yes they are not actually safe, just sort of. I like that. Cliffhangers are just so evil.

As for the girls, we are in Aster's head and she is angsty. I wish there was more Clem, cos she does not seem to dwell that much and she should. Violet was mean girl not mean girl at all, and I find myself liking her. Tansy and Mellow are just there.

An interesting start. I do wish more explanations, but more books are to come.

A good narration, she made distinct voices of the girls and their voices fit them.