A review by ezichinny
Bad Moon Rising by Samantha M. Derr


This book was a collection of novellas (Nine stories in all). A couple stories were really great, and a couple were really bad. Most of them were in the middle range. Overall, I would give this novella a 3.5 rating because the book was pretty solid overall.

Moon Dogs by Erica Kealey (4-stars)
This story featured two detectives Cary and Grant. After an attack that would have killed an average man, Cary disappeared from the hospital. His partner, Grant, went to find Cary in order to see if he was okay and also declare his true feelings to Cary. When Grant located Cary, Cary was nonchalant and asked Grant to leave him alone. Upset and humiliated, Grant left, only to be kidnapped by a werewolf clan after Cary. After Grant escapes, he reunites with Cary who confesses a secret that has kept Cary from being who he truly is. This story was short and sweet. I liked the law enforcement background and the whole partner aspect to their relationship.

The Wolf and the Moon by Kayla Bain-Vrba (3-stars)
This story featured a gladiator themed war game with two star-crossed lovers, Dag and Myka. They met and fell in love, but were thrust into the war game and forced to fight for survival. This one was very reminiscent of the Hunger games, with the same kind of emotional anguish. This short dystopian was sad, but the end was good.

A Kind of Remedy by Ashley Shaw (2.5 stars)
This story featured a young man, Nicolaus Andren, who needed money and agreed to one of those pharmaceutical experiments for money. However, it turns out the scientist have been lying about the procedure. They were creating werewolves in the lab. Nicolaus escapes and tries to find the cure to restore him back to his human only form. His quest leads to him to discover others like him and a new way of life. I didn’t enjoy this story at all. It was a bit contrived and it just didn’t engage me at all. The lack of originality made it difficult to get through.

The Were Cure by Sasha L. Miller (3.5-stars)
This story featured Innot Grant, a wizard, who was summoned to the royal palace because the princes were cursed. According to the King, the curse will turn his sons into werewolves. He demanded Innot find out who placed the curse on his sons and reverse it. It was an okay read. The characters were enjoyable.

Runaway Prince by May Ridge (3.5-stars)
This story featured a prince, Astin Noelle du Pris, who constantly ran away from his responsibilities and a male escort, Delaney Day, who was always looking for a mark. It seemed that Noelle didn’t have good coping skills, and the expectation of being the next king made him anxious. Delaney, on the other hand, hid his feelings behind sarcasm and quips. As Noelle ran from family, Delaney was looking for something to belong to. In each other, they found the missing piece that strengthened them.

The Wolf’s Moor by Lupin Drake (2.5 stars)
This story featured two siblings that were the last of their family that had been cursed by the Sidhe to turn into werewolves. Seamus O’Malley had accepted his dual nature, but his sister Ethne hated the curse. The only way to break the curse is to kill the O’Connor family and descendants, because they were the enemies of the Sidhe, but Seamus cannot bear to murder the last descendant. His sister, on the other hand, insists on freeing them, thus began the battle between the siblings. This story wasn’t enjoyable as many people died unnecessarily and everyone was keeping some secret about who they truly were.

Moonwitch by M.J. Willow (3 stars)
This story featured Athenas, a prince, who came over to investigate strange activities that no one could account for. The king’s soldiers were being turned into wolves and no one knew why and who was responsible. This one was more of a paranormal mystery on a navy ship, and the investigation lead to some interesting revelations.

Coming Home by Elizah J. Davis (4.5 stars)
This story was my favorite. It featured a werewolf named Caleb, who escaped an attack on his family when he was young. He was adopted by humans and basically had to figure out his dual nature by himself (no one guiding him). One day at a hotel, he is found by a man named Hunter, who claims that Caleb’s family has been searching him for him for the past 20 years. Hunter and Caleb’s chemistry was smoldering. There was just something that felt so right about these two werewolves. I enjoyed this short story from the minute they met to the last word on the page. The connection with the family, the whole reunion was so touching. Great read! This one was well paced, very engaging and thorough satisfying.

The Werewolf of Grey Lake Inn by Megan Derr (3.5-stars)
This story featured a vampire Astor and his agent, Tennyson, who were snowed in at an inn, where Astor was investigating some paranormal activity. These two were victims of a lack of communication, as well as fear. Being trapped at the inn allowed them to talk and get to know each other much better.

**Reviewed for Paranormal Romance Guild