A review by aimeespages
Living Hell by Catherine Jinks


I bought this book years ago, as it sounded great. I love YA sci-fi, and anything with a colonial space ship setting immediately has my attention. However...
This book is quite short, and therefore doesn't spend enough time developing the characters and unique elements of the story (such as the OTVs) to give me a realistic idea in my head of them. Things are introduced and changed so quickly that I struggled to keep track of who was doing what, and who was related to whom.
There was a LOT of jargon and complicated technological info in dialogue that I doubt the characters of their portrayed ages would actually comprehend, let alone come up with, despite their clearly technical upbringing.
I've read similar books, such as Illuminae, and Arc, that go into more detail and fully develop the characters without a loss of pace or story.