A review by smallridge
All Out War: The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain's Political Class by Tim Shipman


Hard to add the rave reviews this book has already received and it more than lives up to the hype. Detailing the events in the many different camps (Stronger In, Vote Leave, Leave.eu, Cameron's circle, The Labour Party and more) it really feels like the definitive account of Brexit. The size of it might initially put some people off but it is an accessible read, written in clear and articulate prose and often has the tone of a thriller or high drama, which feels appropriate for the subject matter.

Personal highlights are:

- Explaining the relationship between Michael Gove and Boris Johnson, dating all the way back to university.
- The insights into the thoughts and conflicts in the Cameron-Osborne inner circle during the referendum.
- Showing the role of the influential Steve Baker in the referendum.
- Sketching out the character of the often caricatured Dominic Cummings.
- The (comparatively) brief but cutting descriptions of the Labour campaign.

With endless gems of quotes and information you can really sense just how much background research went into making this book and it all pays off. To my mind, this novel is the pinnacle of political journalism.