A review by nooralshanti
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


I like dystopian fiction. I like young adult books and I am usually willing to overlook the predictability and other issues that come with that category as long as there's something else to keep me entertained such as compelling characters, for example. Unfortunately, I could not like this book.

It failed in too many ways. The world building was terrible, the writing style was slow and full of unnecessary telling, the main character is not only a Mary-Sue, she's also emotionless, and there is absolutely no moral aspect to a book that is about a society where kids fight to the death on TV! There was a lot of potential for great emotional scenes, a rebellion against the cruel Hunger Games, and character growth, but what we get is, instead, a story about a teenage love triangle where every article of clothing is lovingly described in detail but not an ounce of real emotion is allowed to come through.

In short, the Hunger Games isn't worth the hype. If you have somehow managed to avoid it until now I would keep on avoiding...