A review by jillie
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec

Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.
DNF @ 28%

  • Character driven, but written in such a detached way that there’s no connection to the characters or what they’re feeling. 
  • The MC being head over heels in love, being irritated, feeling jealous, feeling scared, all elicit the same emotional reaction in the reader: none. It’s so flat!
  • You could change the names and location and it wouldn’t affect the story at all. A woman sits in her cave all day & is a mom who has a rogue husband. Woo. 
  • Marriage is treated in such an odd way. I get it’s based off mythology, but she obviously cares that he has another wife & yet it’s all treated like it’s completely normal? Nah. 
  • Is our MC a powerful, long lived witch or not? We’re told this but she never acts this way. 

Anyway, this was not at all what I was expecting. Apparently it picks up in the 2nd half but I don’t care enough to continue.
