A review by lostlenore_
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong


This is a refreshing debut novel by a very promising young writer. Unfortunately, the Audible narration for this one was anticlimactic and it really didn't help in my enjoying this book.

I'd like to leave aside the horrible narration for the sake of an unbiased review on Goodreads. The plot of the book is predictable, but the premise and the conversation around themes of nationality, identity and the question of what world do you belong in are the strongest assets of this book. "These Violent Delights" would have been a five-star book for me if only the momentum wasn't lost towards the middle of the book, and all the characters apart from Juliet were better fleshed out.

Something else that didn't work out so well for me was the use of the trope "star-crossed lovers" and "childhood romance." There's a reason why romance books that contain first glances, first touches, first kisses fare better overall and that's because they create the kind of immersive and breathtaking experience romance readers seek. At first, I liked the way the heroes had already loved each other in the past but something serious happened and they fell apart. However, as the story progressed, I lost my interest in their romance simply because their whole love was based on memories and old feelings.

I'd like to read (and not listen) the second book in the series since the writing was very good (even if it turned out repetitive at times) and the world is very richly depicted. Chloe Gong has a talent for telling stories and I'm sure that her new ones will be even more imaginable and more consistent in their character arcs and plot momentum.