A review by merlin_reads
Searching for Perfect by Jennifer Probst


 This was cute. I didn't love it as much as the first one but I was entertained.

Matchmaking agency Kinnections is back at it again. This time with rocket scientist Nate Dunkle. Nate is pretty much a lost cause. Going off of his playboy brothers advice, Nate just does not understand why he keeps getting shut down. But he wants a relationship and eventually a wife, so he reluctantly joins Kinnections. The only trouble is he's falling for his matchmaker.

Kennedy loves her job as a matchmaker at Kinnections. But lately she's felt like something's missing. So when she sees Ned, she thinks he's a perfect mark for their services. But as she gets closer to him, she starts to wonder what being with him would be like. Only problem is, Kennedy doesn't believe she's a relationship girl. Issues from her past keep popping up and blocking her from happiness.

There were some cute and funny parts here. But for a very smart man, I could just not understand how Nate did not know how horrible and mean his pick up lines were. He just never matched up. He knew his brother was a playboy and didn't want to settle down, but then would wonder why his his horribly cheesy lines failed. The smarts were just lacking. And then Kennedy was frustrating as well. With her back and forth feelings and self loathing. It became a little tiring. Also, there seemed to be little blase references to eating disorders and I just wasn't about that. Kennedy had an issue with food that needed to still be addressed with professional help.

Overall, it served it's purpose as a filler romance but it wasn't amazing and I didn't really swoon at this one.