A review by slferg
The Last Detective by Peter Lovesey


A good book. Peter Diamond is an old-style detective. He believes in understanding why a person committed a crime and getting to the truth. He dislikes the emphasis on computers and dna-testing, etc. These things might provide hard backup evidence, but they don't give the motive. Diamond is also under enquiry for supposedly intimidating a man into confessing a crime he didn't commit.
Professor Greg Jackman's wife, Geraldine, is found dead in a lake. She is unidentified. Finally, after a couple of weeks he comes forward and says she was missing. He agreed they'd had a fight and thought she had gone to stay with one of her friends, which she tended to do. He didn't know all of her friends. Greg says the life opf a boy who fell into the Weir by the Bath bridge. Jackman meets the boy's divorced mother and offers to take the boy swimming at the university pool. He becomes fond of the kid and takes him to several games, etc. Then his wife goes missing. Jackman is a professor of literature at the university and is staging an exhibit of Jane Austen in bath. The boy's mother discovers some unknown letters written by Jane Austen to her aunt while she was under arrest for shoplifting. There is nothing special about the letters, but they are a nice addition for the show. But Jackman's wife disappears and so do the letters. So, who has them? and who killed Geraldine?