A review by jlreadstoperpetuity
Wizard's Masquerade by Jay Pellegrin


It took me 5days to read this. 5days. In a timeline where I can read a book in a day or two, 5days is a tell tale sign that I needed some time to compose myself because I am darn frustrated and at the verge of DNF'ing a book.

I really liked the side characters, especially the Jester (and then I didn't). I liked the concept of wizards protecting the royalty (fantasy book that includes magic, yes!). I liked the air of mystery, secret organizations, betrayal and uncovering the traitors part. What I did not like, the FMC; which is rather ironic since this book was told on the POV of the FMC and the underwhelming twists on how the book ended (Yeah, I know there is a second book but given the premise of this one, rather unnecessary)

The FMC has to be the most self absorbed, pretentiously self righteous and irritatingly st*pidest cast in this book (I am really so sorry for the lack of of a better term) It took her 30pages before the book ended to uncover the real villain behind the betrayals. The author tried portraying her as this intelligent and fierce badass FMC but truly, she is just a spineless lap dog unable to do sh*t for her friends. Stickler for rules even if the truth is right in front of her. As a reader, I find it sometimes offensive if authors brands their casts this way just to illicit emotions and extend the story. Who would want a lame as*s character all the way to the end?

The ending. My goodness. So each character has this secret on whatever lives they led before meeting the very oblivious FMC, which is all and great. Explanations were done at the ending, albeit not really helpful. A twist was mentioned which I think was an attempt to have a premise for the second book.

I'll end the review there are there's not much more that I can share that isn't a replication of the boorish repetitions from the book itself.