A review by bookish_penguin
The Good for Nothings by Danielle Banas


I have conflicted feelings about The Good For Nothings.

On the one hand, I think this book contains some incredibly complex and interesting characters. I especially loved Wren, who is a good twist on the common cocky boy trope. In the few books that do have confident female characters, they unfortunately tend to come across more pretentious, but Danielle Banas managed to pull Wren off perfectly.

Elio was also a fun character, his odd mannerisms really adding to the story.

The relationships in this book were also fantastic, especially Cora's desperate need to please her parents, no matter the way they treat her, something I'm sure resonates with many readers.

But on the other hand I felt the plot was lacking. The sci-fi genre is tricky to write, because almost all share the same basic plot of an object that can't fall into the hands of the wrong person, and this book was the same.

Though there were many exhilarating fight scenes, everything came too easy for a crew who are meant to only be good at being bad. There were too many coincidences that helped the characters along the way.

I also thought that for a comedy, this book was lacking in humour. Then, in the few cases it was funny, it was trying too hard. Entire pages were dedicated to the lead up of a single joke.

Overall this was a mediocre book that was made slightly better by the interesting and different characters.