A review by yapha
Black Bird, Blue Road by Sofiya Pasternack


Ziva and Pesah are inseparable twins in 10th century Khazaria. They are part of a vibrant Jewish community, and as they have just turned 12, Ziva is celebrating becoming a Bat Mitzvah. As a boy, Pesah has to wait until he is 13, which unfortunately he may not make. He has leprosy, can barely walk, and has already lost several fingers to the disease. When Ziva hears that her parents want to send him away, she sets off on a journey to find a cure. Although she original intends to take him to Constantinople, along the way they meet a third companion who promises to take them to the mythical city of Luz, where no one ever dies. This is a sweeping fantasy with an excellent basis in lesser known Jewish history and mythology. Highly recommended for grades 4 & up.

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