A review by daveparry67
The Cold Cold Sea by Linda Huber


I did enjoy parts of this book; at the start the panic, anguish, bewilderment & shock & search for who to blame in particular & also the realisation of what had actually happened & how the two families were linked.

However, I’ve read the other 2 star reviews & agreed with them all - for me a book with some very good passages & what should have been a good idea as its basis was let down by the implausibility of the plot. “Oh come on...” I kept saying, “...that would never happen, he’d never do this, she’d have to do that...”

A book with this scenario would need to get much more deeply into the minds of all the characters for it to work; the author is relying on us to do the hard work rather than doing it herself. I wanted to get more of the child’s eye view & didn’t really identify with anyone.

Maybe the author is saying that we should be aware that sometimes implausible things do happen, & it’s their implausibility that keeps the characters’ eyes so firmly shut to the reality of what’s gone on. That we need to stay alert or we’ll miss critical, life-changing things going on right in front of our eyes...?

I wondered half way through if it was me who’d missed something with this book & hoped so as I persevered to the finish... maybe I did!