A review by elderlingfool
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 78%.
There isn't necessarily anything wrong with this book, I was just really really bored. I started reading it on ebook and then switched to audiobook thinking it will be easier to get through that way, but I gave up. 
The plot isn't that original, the main character was bland and the first love focus really put me out of this story. 
I enjoyed "An Enchantment of Ravens" by this author a lot so I was trying to figure out what were the main differences and found out a few things about my taste. To begin with, this book is longer and it seems that there is a relation between how long a YA book is and how much I like it. Maybe I only enjoy YA in small doses. The other thing I noticed is that when it comes to this kind of books I prefer the fairy tale like atmosphere and that wasn't present in this one, reminding me more of a paranormal romance. In both books I didn't love the main characters' romance. The character I cared most for in "An Enchantment of Ravens" was Gadfly and, similarly, in this one it was Silas and he is not enough to carry this book.
It's just a matter of personal preference and anyone looking for a fantasy story with demons, magical books and a first love story will probably enjoy this more than me.