A review by urlphantomhive
How to Write Anything: A Complete Guide by Laura Brown



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I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

I think that if you'll ever need to write anything in your life -which is very likely indeed- it will be very unlikely you'll not find how to write it in this book. That are so many entries in the book. Even things I never imagined you could write; like a divorce letter (and a response to one).

I think it's a good reference book if you need to write something but you don't feel to comfortable to do it on your own. However some things are repeated a lot (like that you should not write things online you don't want everyone to know; which is good advise of course, but is repeated in all entries on e-writing), and other things sound a bit more like a joke than serious advise (like: you don't NEED to write about flowers when writing a love letter. You don't say?!). But overall quite useful.