A review by briesespieces
Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko


"But the effects were hidden, evident only in the sterility of their art, which continued to feed off the vitality of other cultures, and in the dissolution of their consciousness into dead objects: the plastic and neon, the concrete and steel.Hollow and lifeless as a witchery clay figure. And what little still remained to white people was shriveled like a seed hoarded too long, shrunken past its time, and split open now, to expose a fragile, pale leaf stem, perfectly formed and dead.
3.5 stars. I won't lie, this book deserves more than 3.5 stars. Probably 5 stars. But there are a few things which did not really sit well with me. First was the way the story was told. I get the whole ceremony and storytelling theme but i found the nonlinear narrative extremely disorienting and confusing. It was almost as if the whole book and plot were a big vague referent. Also, i found it really hard to connect with the characters. I really wanted to. Like i really tried but I felt so indifferent and i partly blame the narrative.
Secondly, some parts were just too overbearingly descriptive and it made me just speed up my reading so my agony would end.
All in all, this is a really great book, and maybe in the future , i might take it up to read again (very unlikely) but slowly and comprehensively this time.