A review by alexisisreading
Crankshaft by K.M. Neuhold


It’s the kind of kiss that I imagine you’d have with someone you’ve shared a bed with for years, someone who has seen all your flaws and shown you theirs, yet somehow, neither of you has run screaming. Someone who might casually tell you they love you as if it’s a foregone conclusion.

This was a super cute read! Opposites attract is one of of my favorite tropes. I loved how selfless both Porter and Steele were. The reason this was three stars for me was I just felt like there was so much going on but Porter and Steele didn’t have enough page time together just the two of them to really make me believe how strong their feelings were for one another. I am sooo curious about Tallahassee and Gates though omg. I also liked how the characters were older and just finding love but didn’t feel like they were “running out of time” or any of those other cliches.

I think I am going to read the Four Bears Construction first before continuing this series because there were a few mentions of relationships from that series that I feel like I need to understand to fully enjoy this series.