A review by si0bhan
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Identity by Lydia Sherrer


Since starting the Lily Singer Adventures series, I’ve been hooked. It’s a wonderful world of magic, one that has me desperate for more of the characters and the storyline. Whenever there’s a new book, I’m always eager to dive in.

With Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Identity, book six in the series, I wasn’t quite as in love as I have been in prior books. I enjoyed it, yes, but it didn’t quite wow me in the way the other books in the series have. I think a part of this is due to how much I loved book five, and I was expecting a wee bit more from this one.

We pick up where things left off in the prior book, this time spending most of the book following Sebastian. I adored getting to follow Sebastian, as I love his character and am always happy for more of him. With everything that happened in the prior book, I was doubly interested in getting to see things as we follow his character.

Although I enjoyed following Sebastian and liked the way things developed in this book, I do feel things were a bit slow. There was a lot of important stuff happen throughout this book, but it was only towards the end that I was at the level of investment that I have been with the other books in the series. It was the end that had the action and the drama, before then things felt a bit too slow for me. Sure, we got important information, but it didn’t feel quite as intense as I would have liked with all that was happening.

I may not be labelling Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Identity my favourite in the series, but it is another important book in the series. If you’ve enjoyed the series thus far, you need to dive into this one to see what happens next.