A review by kappareads
This Rebel Heart by Katherine Locke


I received an eARC from NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Real rating: 4.5 stars

I was completely entranced by this from the start. This book follows Csilla, a Jewish girl who is days from escaping Hungary with her aunt and moving some place she can only hope is better. In trying to keep her head down, she meets Azriel, a mysterious boy who swoops in to intercept her from the secret police following her, and Tamas, who meets her at a dance to ask her an impossible question. The majority of the book is from Csilla’s point of view, with the occasional chapter from Azriel’s perspective, but they are all main characters as they affect the plot.

I really just loved Csilla as a main character. Her internal journey was so relatable, I felt for her so quickly. We get a lot of time with her and her thoughts before things really ramp up.

Click here for my post for this book's blog tour, including the rest of my review and my favorite quotes!