A review by lizchereskin
Let's Go (So We Can Get Back): A Memoir of Recording and Discording with Wilco, Etc. by Jeff Tweedy


An honest and endearing music autobiography that takes you from Tweedy's youth in southern Illinois through band breakups and Wilco's success and his growing family. Ironically, the music autobiography this most reminds me of is Bruce Springsteen's, and Tweedy talks more than once about how growing up he didn't really want to be like Bruce Springsteen.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is one of my favorite albums of all time, but I don't know that I would consider myself a diehard Wilco fan, and therefore didn't know too much about the disputes he had with bandmates or this band's history before reading. What's most interesting, though, is getting insight into Tweedy's unique way of looking at the world and at music and creativity; that's where the book shined for me--not so much in the stories about drinking or fighting with the band or his drug abuse, but more his songwriting process, what it's like to be paid to do what you love and how wearing your heart on your sleeve can sometimes payoff in the end.