A review by flosmith
Talulla Rising by Glen Duncan


Loved this! as much as the one before it, [b:The Last Werewolf|9532302|The Last Werewolf|Glen Duncan|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1287572224s/9532302.jpg|14418429]. Talulla Rising doesn't pick up immediately where The Last Werewolf left off. Talulla is almost 8 months pregnant and is starting to have trouble with the pregnancy as well as full moon coming. In the throws of labor she is found by the vampires seeking her blood for the Helios project.

Told in Talulla's point of view, the story sweeps you in and flows like water. Talulla is a strong female character that knows how to take charge and be assertive and fight for her children. Still mourning the loss of Jake, she refuses to give up on life even tho she can't let go of him. There are other strong female characters, some we were intrduced to in The Last Werewolf, like Madeline and Mia. We also are introduced to new characters, some we don't expect to see, who change Talulla's life and the way she sees others.

I love how it shows life as not black and white. Not all the monsters out there have fangs. Humans have such a potential for death and pain, escpecially for those that are different from us or things we don't fully understand. Murdoch and WOCOP is a perfect example of this.

There is so much going on in this book that it keeps you on the edge of your seat til the end. There are constant twists and turns and things you don't see coming. Its also full of sex and violence and the wulf psychology revolves around this. The wulf libido wanes and waxes with the moon and is in full force when they are turned during full moon. If you are easily offended by sex and violence don't read this series. The kills themselves are full of detail and you can see how they relish their meals. Full of blood and gore and sex this is an awesome adult themed horror story.

Overall, I loved this one. Anyone that enjoyed The Last Werewolf should continue the story with Talulla Rising and I would recommend reading The Last Werewolf first. I hated to see the book end. I wanted more and hope there is another book down the line. This is definitely an over 18 book as there is not only violence but alot of sex, but the book is so much more than the sum of its parts. All of it flowed together making each part necessary to complete the picture.