A review by elevetha
The Lost Sun by Tessa Gratton


I'm not sure what I was expecting. I don't know; it's hard to explain how I felt about it. I loved it and I didn't care and then I was flapping my hands like a crazy girl and then I was disappointed and then it was over.

It started out with Insta!love/attraction by page 5 and I had this dread that I would hate it; hate the romance, hate the story(which was really very boring up till 1/4 of the way in), hate the writing. But I was wrong.
The writing, if nothing else, while not the best pacing or characterization and all that, is quite pretty. The romance is actually rather sweet and if maybe there was some moments I was "Okaaaaaaay, Soren, we get it, you like Astrid", they can be pushed mostly aside because they do have a lovely friendship that was more of a deal than their budding romance(or so it seemed to me). And the characters do come a long way from page one. I though I might do a section on each of the characters because that would be cool and there's quite a lot to say if only I knew how to but no. Not today. Probably not ever.