A review by vicki_cosy_books
If Ever I Fall by S.D. Robertson


If Ever I Fall is boldly recommended for fans of Jojo Moyes -an author I really enjoy. And it was that claim which first drew me to the book. Well ok, the cover too, because yeah. I'm a sucker for a pretty cover. Anyway, after investigating further I was convinced, this did indeed sound like a book that would be right up my street.

I picked it up to read last Saturday morning. Typically, I had woken up early on my day off (why does that always happen?) and even though I had a list as long as my arm of things to do, it was early enough to have a relaxing morning and squeeze in a bit of reading first. BIG mistake. I ended up glued and pretty much lost my entire morning, and some of the afternoon. But it was worth it.

If Ever I Fall is a story told from three perspectives. Dan is struggling with the break up of his family, living alone in a flat he hates and missing his wife and daughter. Maria, Dan's wife, writes letters to someone who she know's will never answer, in an attempt to make sense of events which have devastated her family's life. Then there's Jack. He doesn't know who he is....he's suffering from amnesia. One thing's for sure though...something is certainly not right about his surroundings. How can he find out the truth when he can't even remember who he is?

Wow! When I thought this was a book that would be right up my street I was right. I quickly became engrossed in all three character's lives and felt I was taken on an emotional rollercoaster alongside them. I loved the way that Dan and Maria's story unfolded throughout the book, so that as a reader, when realisation about their situation slowly dawned and pieces of the jigsaw were put together in my mind, I could really understand and empathise with them. I especially loved the addition of Jack....I had absolutely no idea how he related to the story at first and was intrigued by his situation. When I did realise, I was blown away. It's not something I've come across in this way before and gives the whole book an interesting and unique twist.

If Ever I Fall is an emotional read which had me wiping away tears and holding my breath. It's a tale of grief, loss and despair-but there's also hope and the underlying sense that strength comes from those we love, if only we can realise this and reach out. I finished this book feeling that I'd been on a real journey with the characters and thought about it for hours after. It is a beautifully written, engrossing and unique story, and I loved it.