A review by jeanz
The Truth About Us by Janet Gurtler


Oh wow! A fantastic, truly emotional read. Why did it take so long for me to get around to reading a book by this brilliant author. Her writing style and this book reminded me of Emerald Barnes Read Me Dead, and some of the Jolene Perry books I have read.

I've read lots of reviews for books by Janet Gurtler, but had never actually read one of her titles myself. So when I saw this one on Netgalley, requested it, was accepted and decided to read this one and review it for coincide with it's release.

As I said above I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
The cover has a couple hugging near a brick wall. I think the couple represent Jess and Flynn. I think that the wall symbolize's the "wall", or divide that is between the couple. Jess living in the opulent side of town, and Flynn existing in a poor and rough side of town.
So would the cover make me pick up the book in a book store? If I was looking for a contemporary read yes.
The central characters in this book are Jess, the youngest in her rather well off family. Until recently she had a perfect life, that was until her mum was attacked whilst out jogging in the park. Since being attacked her mum has suffered awful depression and has quite literally withdrawn from life. Since Jess's mother is always in her room, Jess' father is away working hard trying to keep the family in the style of life they are accustomed to as his wife is no longer working, so he isn't around much. Jess' older sister Allie is always staying over at her friends houses, well that's what she is telling her father, she is secretly almost living at her boyfriends house. So Jess is somewhat at a loose end, alone for the majority of the time. Jess has sort of been going off the rails, she's become closer friends with her mothers friends daughter Nance. Nance has an older brother who takes money from them and buys them alcohol. It's coming to a point where Jess can't function in company without a drink. Jess and Nance certainly loose their inhibitions one day at Nance's house when they decide to sunbathe topless. Nance's usually absent mother Carol, returns home early and catches the girls, she telephones Jess' father and drives her home. Her father takes drastic action and as a punishment set Jess up with a part time summer job in a missionary shelter called New Beginnings for poor over in the "rough end of town" . What is meant to be a punishment ends up as a life changing experience in more ways than one for Jess.
At the shelter Jess rapidly learns that not everyone has as easier life as she did before her mothers attack. Jess works hard to prove herself to the other workers at the shelter, and also becomes friends with some of the people that go to the shelter regularly.
The three characters I immediately loved in this book were Wilf an elderly ageing man who enjoys a verbal sparring match with Jess on a regular basis, though he also shows his sensitive side allowing Jess to help him out in the greenhouse tending his treasured azalea's that his late wife Rhea loved so much. The other two characters are Flynn and his younger brother Kyle. Flynn is embarrassed about needing to go to the shelter to have a decent meal, he actually insists on working at the shelter to "give back" and show his gratitude for the meal. So Jess and Flynn live totally different lives but there sure is an attraction there . . .and with Wilf playing cupid, things should be straight forward shouldn't they?
There are lots more great characters in this book too, from Jess's mother, and Stella from New Beginnings, we learn that where people live does not define what type of person they are. Jess really does go on an emotional journey, there's happiness, love, friendship, hardship and loss in this book. I could go on and on but really want to be super careful not to give away spoilers. I would like to add that the name of the missionary shelter really is perfect as this book does see a lot of it's character having a "New Beginning"
So did I enjoy the book? I really enjoyed the book a lot, I loved the writing style, the pace of the book was perfect I didn't want to put the book down. I wanted more at the end too.
Would I recommend the book? Yes, it's a great, "feel good" read. I highly recommend this book. The great "feel good" feeling reminded me of my reaction to Dash & Lily's Book Of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Leviathon. Would I want to read more about these characters? I did get to the end of the book and was sort of "Oh no that's the end" Would I want to read other titles by Janet Gurtler? I certainly intend to read more of her books. Her style of writing reminded me a little of the book One Moment by Kristina McBride that I read earlier. The book also reminded me a bit of Katie McGarry's Pushing The Limits series and the relationship between her characters Noah & Echo.