A review by heyhaley17
Ravish Me with Rubies by Jane Feather


Two stars for a book I didn't finish? Well, that just represents my very confusing feelings for the book before making that decision-- and my feeling that the rest of the book, had I finished would've been fine. I just can't get over the little things that annoy me-- mainly the pacing and the misleading summary.
I picked up this book expecting the past relationship/meeting of these two to be a much bigger deal that in was. I know I didn't read the whole thing, but it was painfully obvious that the past was no longer going to play a larger role beyond the 'hey, me met before...once'. Which leads me to something I both found confusing, but oddly enjoyable (initially), and that is Petra's interpretation of that past meeting in her youth. Being young she greatly misjudged Guy's attention on her believing it to be love until he unceremoniously disappears from the country party without a word to her. When she mentions this pretty early on to Guy upon meeting him again because she's angry, he is shocked and adamantly tells her he never led her on, he just enjoyed her company and was certainly not obligated to tell her about a planed trip. I agree, he was totally within his rights and she was in the wrong for thinking otherwise-- she even admits it-- but still wanted revenge...ummm...ok? I just didn't get that, but I did kind of like how self righteous Petra was about it and thought it would be fine, but as early as she comes up with the plan to get him and drop him as revenge it is practically never mentioned again-- unless he friends ask, which she never responds. I just think the past bits needed to be played up WAY more WAY early on in the relationship if this aspect of the storyline was going to make sense-- in fact the past needed to be a part of the story as we are told it is.
I enjoyed the characters. I found them simple but seemingly complex (again, perhaps more so had I read more that 140 pages). The first time they sleep together is so highly...unromantic and lacking any intimacies and yet she suddenly loves him...when did that happen?
Yet, I still liked the characters, at least Guy, I found him a bit mysterious and interesting. But Petra's character began to lose a little luster.
What it came down to...pacing...I liked the writing, the plot ideas and what I got to were overall fun, and the characters were good. I'll read another Jane Feather, but this one-- I was promised a past trop and did not receive. I will be skimming the rest.