A review by bookph1le
Flora and Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures by Kate DiCamillo


What a winning book, though there were some parts I thought dragged a bit because they added some irrelevant detail to the story, hence the 4-star rating. Still, it was quirky, charming, and often laugh-out-loud hilarious. And the ending! My heart is still a puddle all over my floor. More complete review to come.

Full review:

This book is rather magnificent and very, very near perfect. I laughed, I was touched, and I loved the characters, all of which are, in my opinion, the mark of an excellent book. I'm really looking forward to sharing this one with my daughter.

First off, I love DiCamillo's wonderful, quirky writing style. I've read the Bink and Gollie books she co-authors, so I was familiar with it before reading this one, but I was even more struck by it here. She has such a funny turn of phrase and a refreshing way of looking at things. I often found myself pausing to admire the way she structured a sentence, that's how much I enjoyed her style.

The characters in this book are stellar. Everyone from Flora to her parents to Ulysses to William Spiver is fully realized, unique, and possesses his or her own quirks. There are some surprisingly mature messages in here that I think would help young readers appreciate that all human beings have their quirks and their motivations for acting as they do. I think this is particularly evident in the characterization of Flora's mother. I was taken aback by her in the beginning of the book, but by the end there was such a fantastic revelation of what made her behave the way she did. I very much liked seeing this in a children's book, where adult figures are often absent or written in very simplistic ways. Just as Flora is her own character, so is her mother.

Flora, oh wonderful Flora! She's a headstrong girl who thinks of herself as a cynic, but who's given to flights of fancy. There were moments when my heart ached for her and I just wanted to give her a hug. She was an unconventional heroine, a girl who loved comic books and who wasn't frilly and who didn't want to listen to her mother's admonishments that she should pay a little more attention to her appearance. In a way, I found her a representation of innocent girlhood: before all the expectations, before all the baggage that society foists on girls, they are often people just like this. It was gorgeous the way her mother was aware of this and feared it, but went about trying to protect her child in exactly the wrong way.

I also adored Ulysses. The passages that delved into his squirrel brain were hilarious, and I loved his little poems. The first one made me laugh out loud and the last was so lovely that it brought a tear to my eye. I loved how joyful he was, how he had such a deep appreciation for the simple fact of living. He was a superhero, even if not in the sense that Flora originally thought.

William Spiver is also a treat. He was amusingly neurotic, but at the same time filled with a core that was just so sweet. The development of what led to his temporary blindness and his being at odds with his mother was heartbreaking. And how can you not love a boy who has as excellent a vocabulary as William does?

The integration of the art was also nice. The book is a bit of a hybrid, not exactly graphic novel but not exactly regular fiction either. I particularly liked the look of Flora and William Spiver, though Flora's unassuming and often flustered father is nicely represented her as well. The drawings all look warm and lovingly done, as if the artist loved these characters as much as I loved them.

My one tiny complaint with this book was that I felt it was a little bit unfocused at times. There were a few instances where a character's schtick was carried a bit too far, to the detriment of the narrative because it slowed it down. Some passages also felt extraneous. Still, my complaint about this is minor, though it did keep me from making this a full five-star review.

Regardless, his book was a treat. It was funny, touching, filled with important themes without being heavy-handed, packed with hilarious antics, and just all around wonderful.