A review by xanthe87
Alpha Academy by A.Y. Venona


What a fantastic book! Read in one sitting, wanting to know what was going to happen next to the characters and with the unfolding story line.
Our MC's couldn't come from more different worlds but end up in the same place, the Alpha Academy. Daniel is classified as an omega but occasionally presents traits of an alpha. Delvin is a delta Prince and also an instructor at the academy.
We go through this story from Daniel's POV. Things change quickly for him when classified an omega; coming from packlands, living off the land, praying to their deity and then moving to the Alpha Academy where he has his own room but is basically on a campus for alphas and is the only omega. Daniel struggles with his feelings of being an omega when his beast and mind collide. Standing up for himself against a-hole alphas but entirely under the thrall of Delvin, the delta alpha.
The world created by Ms Venona is well crafted, has depth throughout and even comes with a map at the front of the book so you go in having a vague notion as to the places that are talked about. Everything is so well written with an array of characters. With predominantly alpha characters it was necessary to have variety of personas and strengths shared among them. Rico is the laid back, reticent type who avoids conflict whereas Nathan will jump straight into the fray, defending his friend. As well as our MC's there are several secondary characters that bring life to the book. Rico is Daniel's best friend offering his support throughout, Alexander and Adrian are just two of the beautiful but unknown alphas protecting the Academy. Everything is well explained through the book so I didn't feel lost at all.
Towards the end of the book I admit to having to read one or two paragraphs a second time to make sure I understood what was being said as the lore and myths unfolding were essential to understanding the history for the characters and race of omegas.
I definitely recommend this book, full of action, relationships and secrecy it's a can't-put-down book. Can't wait to start the sequel.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.