A review by annsbibliotherapy
Queen Among the Dead by Lesley Livingston


As someone that loves anything even remotely Celtic-related I was so excited about this book, I love the tales and the mythology, all of it just makes me happy.

While I could tell our author also has a love for Celtic mythology and shows a masterful talent in world-building, there was just something missing in this one for me.

If you asked me what was missing I don't know if I could pinpoint any one thing, it just seemed kind of disjointed. That being said I did find parts of the book very enjoyable and that's what kept me reading.

I would happily read something by this author again, she has a real talent, a strong voice, and the ability to make you wonder about magic in a world filled with normal.

Thank you to NetGalley and Zando Projects for providing an advance copy of this ebook, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.