A review by dsullivan
Deceived by Paul S. Kemp

Did not finish book.
This book was so bad I couldn't finish it. After reading about one third of the book, I decided not to put myself through the embarrassment of reading it any further. For a sense of closure, I looked up the full plot online. Knowing what happens in the rest of the book, I have no regrets about not finishing it.

The author will describe a scene and then immediately provide an exhaustive list of what that description means. For example, he might say there were people running around a hospital, then list doctors, nurses, surgeons, injured and family of the injured. It's redundant and laborious.

Characters are not consistent from one second to the next. One character can't find it within herself to lie to another, then a paragraph or two later she lying to them. A leader tells two of his subordinates to leave the room, then calls to one of them on their way out and tells him something meant for both of the subordinates to hear. Not only that, when they start to leave again, he tells the other subordinate to stay.

Both of these types of annoyances may be forgivable from time to time, but they start becoming unbearable when they happen so often. Additionally, I found some of the dialog to be corny, descriptions out of place in the Star Wars universe, and the author seems to have something against the use of contractions.

I don't want to give any spoilers, so I'll just say that even if the writing was perfect, the plot would still be ridiculous.