A review by shelleyann01
Her Little Secret by Julia Stone


2.5 Stars

A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.

I loved the premise for this book, a therapist having an affair with a patient that happens to be the lover of a former patient...who is dead!? Yes please!

This is a slow burn of a psychological drama and even though there isn't a heck of a lot going on (There is A LOT of internal dialogue) I was sucked in by the writing style. I figured out the big reveal about halfway through but was intrigued enough to keep on reading and the writing style was enjoyable.

I was disappointed that Cristina miss a lot of red flags, I mean she is a therapist so you'd think she has a good take on the human condition. I didn't like that she thought leaving a message would take too long but flying there the next day was okay? The ending fell a little flat and it left me wanting more as there were many unanswered questions. I am wondering if that was done intentionally to lead up to a second installment?

All in all not a bad read and I would check out more from this author.

Thanks to Netgalley, Julia Stone and Orion Dash for the ARC.