A review by pogue
Bell, Book and Dyke: New Exploits of Magical Lesbians by Julia Watts, Karin Kallmaker, Therese Szymanski, Barbara Johnson


I love books that are a copulation of short stories, and I hate them as well. I hate the fact that in finding a good short story the story is well, short. What I love about short story books is finding new authors that are potential favorites.

In Bell, Book and Dyke there are four short stories and each one is a good story in its own right. I will say that my favorite one was Unbeliever by Karin Kallmaker. It is the story of love lost and found again. It is the story of an ending that is a beginning. It is the story of finding life in death. It made me cry.

Sea Witch by Barbara Johnson, the first story in the book was a good story. I do have the same complaint about it that I have about many lesbian themed books, and stories. Where are all the straight people? Oh, sure there were a few mentioned in passing, but all of the central characters were lesbian women. There were no men, to speak of, nor where there straight women.

By the Book by Therese Szymanski took a bit to get into. It was not that the story was bad. It was that it is set at times in a dream scape. Out of all of the stories this one had the most action, the most danger in it. This was the short story that I used for my Teaser Tuesday post.

Skyclad by Julia Watts showed how prejudiece is out there not only against LGBT but also against those who do not practice an accepted religion. While all the stories in the book featured some sort of erotica and this one did as well, this erotica was that of waiting. Not giving into desires.

All around a great set of short stories I think I have another short story book somewhere that I need to read.