A review by abrooklynbookshelf
Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan



This book was so enthralling that I finished it within 24 hours. I went in knowing the general premise, but the actual story was nothing like I was expecting and I was hooked! I was lowkey scared/spooked the entire time but also the story was new and refreshing and I wanted to keep reading all day. All around it was great writing, great storytelling, great character building.

Langan knows how to write with great momentum. There's a lot of information about the outcome of the events on Maple Street that the reader has going into the story, but that only heightens the momentum, it doesn't detract anything. The way that subsequent information is divulged as the story moves along makes it so that there is always some other mystery to figure out, something else that makes you just have to keep reading until you have the whole story.

I also thought that the character work in this story was excellent, which is a bit of a feat given how many characters there are in general, and also the number that are central to the story. The principal characters have depth to them, have backstories and pasts that directly influence how everything plays out in the story.

Occasionally there were topical references that made me a little too aware of the timing of the story (it takes place in the not too distant future), but overall these were small moments. Everything else, well, I was impressed. It was a solidly good book.