A review by seano312
How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking by Sönke Ahrens


My biggest gripe about this book is it’s misnamed. It should be titled “Why take Smart Notes.”

The HOW to take Smart Notes is fairly simple:

1. Whenever your reading, or studying, or watching a lecture, take notes.

2. Don’t highlight or quote verbatim. Put everything in your own words.

3. Make a good bibliography of everything you read. Label your notes with that info.

4. Transfer all your notes in a slipbox and follow the Zettlekasten method.

That’s basically it. Everything else in the book is good, but it’s about why you should do it.

Despite this book begin very low on the actual mechanics, it makes a very solid case of why the method works. It was an okay read, but if you aren’t already interested specifically in the Zettlekasten method, this is going to be a mighty snooze fest.