A review by literary_steph
Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron

Reaper picks up weeks after Kingdom of Souls. Like the first novel, the world is atmospherically dark, wicked and foreboding. While the tone is dark, there's plenty of comedic relief to break up the tension. At this point, I'm completely invested in Arrah, Rudjek and their world. They must be protected at all costs. Don't even get me started on the romance(s). Which, I also want to point out, some readers may not like the love triangle, but there's so much more to it. Clearly, Barron like to play and taunt.

It's a matter of perspective, I suppose, as the characters all feel that their acts seem justified in the name of love and justice. Who's at fault for that? Who's the villain in this story? Maybe they all are. And I'm not upset at Arrah's decision to choose herself for once, although I think some readers will disagree with me. Where there's a will, there's a way, and Arrah's a force, and she's going to find some way or another to save her kingdom, and it's people. 

Overall, my dark fantasy heart loved it! It was filled with twists, turns and revelations, I can't wait to read the conclusion.

Read this if you enjoy...
• a vast world inspired by West African folklore and mythology
• dark magic & meddling gods
• #IsThisAKissingBook a complicated star crossed romance that will leave a hole or melt your heart or both