A review by viachu888
Crossed by Ally Condie


What do I even say about this book that hasn't already been said? It is a failure. It is a failure at dystopia, it is a failure at love, it is a failure in trying to sound pretty, and a failure in writing.

It's great when books are set from multiple POV's. It adds insight and a chance to show character development. Ally Condie has demonstrated very well how NOT to write in multiple views. It was the boy and girl in love, and it should have been great, but, like everything else in this book, failed. Cassia and Ky sound exactly alike, and equally boring. How is a story supposed to evoke emotions if the characters sound so fake and alike they bore you to death? I mean, they're teenagers, I'm a teenager, and I can say that almost no teenager would ever talk like either of them, even in a dystopian society. Total robots who I felt no sympathy for.

The plot was aggravating. It started nowhere near the last book's end, and the whole thing was just a mess of boring nothing. Most of it wasn't relevant, or interesting enough for me to read and not skim through. The first book was a cool concept, I kinda liked it. But these two are so radically different that I could almost say they weren't even part of a series; except for the two occurrences where Cassia points out Ky came up on the card screen thingy.

I feel no need to go on. Maybe if I force myself, I can trudge through the last one, to see if it improves.