A review by eesh25
The Young Elites by Marie Lu


This book is making me want to scream. Like really, really bad, lose-your-voice scream.

First of all, Marie Lu is a good writer. This is the first book that I've read by her and I can tell because of the passion in her writing and the emotion she envokes through her words. Her imagery is good, her dialogue and the pace of the book set by her keeps you anxious and excited.

This is a well thought out book set in a very interesting world. The world building is very okay, though I'm hoping to find out more. There wasn't a lot of world building, but I'm mostly okay with that because too much can get boring. It was still lacking, which I will elaborate later on. I also like the plot.

Now the reason I wanna scream: The characters.

I don't know about you but I, personally, would like at least one person I can root for. At least one decent human being.

In this book, every single character is downright horrible. I want all of then to just die. Okay, not all of them. but that's onlu because I don't know a lot of them very well. The main focus of the story has been Adelina. We know her the best and I wish she would just die. Next, we know Taren, who I also want dead. We didn't really get to know Enzo well, sadly. Raphaele? Kill him please.

SpoilerYou know, I'm sad that Enzo died. I'm happy, but also sad. It makes no sense since I've never like him to begin with. But since we didn't know him that much, there's still a half percent chance that could maybe could have been an okay guy. That upsets me.

I just wish there was someone, anyonewasn't a power-hungry, rage-fueled, merciless, self-righteous murderer.

Now for an actual critism: The powers wren't explained as well as they should have been. They were only explained vaguely, Something about energy, their connection to energy after the blood fever but not much else. It also wasn't explained why a person got a certain power while another got a different one.

And one final thing that wasn't explained was whether this was a fantasy world or just a normal world that was introduced to supernatural elements after the blood fever. What is normal for them. Because for something to be out of the ordinary, you have to develop some norms.

Overall, this was a very unique book, telling the story of a villain. I still want a hero though, someone to balance out the awefulness. I mean, there Violetta, but she doesn't exactly seem the type to go against a lot of people and to fight for what's right. She's more of a plead-to-your-inner-goodness type. But who knows?

I recommend this to anyone who likes some darkness...