A review by morthos
Mine-kun is Asexual by Uta Isaki


I thought it was all right. I think I was hoping for a different ending than that or for something a bit longer out of this oneshot.

One of the things that made me go “...huh." was when Mine was telling Murai it's ok to break up with him... because I said the exact same thing to my ex. Even though I wasn't sure of myself at the time I still accepted going out with her because I couldn't say no to my friend. She was also already active and to be all touchy-feely. I was not and that type of affection made me uncomfortable. I knew that she wanted to move further and it felt like I was holding her back so I texted her one night during spring break that it was ok to break up with me because I knew I could never give her what she wanted out of a relationship.

Being in that relationship made me realize that not only am I ace but that being close and touching makes me uncomfortable. I never really thought I'd ever see that written out in a manga. It felt weird how much I saw myself in Mine.

By the way, I would love to see continuation stories for Mine and his partner as well as Murai's friend.