A review by ajnewsom
Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 1: Rise of the Batmen by James Tynion IV


With the 2 reboots on the DCU in the past 7 years, I was starting to loose interest in what DC was doing. There was some semblance of the classic universe I grew up reading, but there were changes that made it hard for me to stay interested.

The relaunch of Detective Comics (going back to the original issue numbers) was a great way to start my journey into “Rebirth”.

Batman is putting together a new team to help fight a covert team of what seem to be professional soldiers. The Colony is going after the heroes of Gotham, and Batman plans to stop them. Batwoman (Kate Kane), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Spoiler (Stephanie Brown), Orphan (Cassandra Cain), and Clayface (Basil Karlo) are recuited by Batman to help bring down The Colony. Batwoman and Red Robin are tasked with training the team and make sure they are ready.

The storyline was well throughout and the pace per issue kept me entertained. James Tynion has a good feel for the characters and writes good dialogue. Funny, face paced, one wants to turn the page to see what is going to happen. Eddy Barrow’s art has always been a personal favorite, and he does not let you down in the first volume.

A couple of issues for me. First and foremost, I don’t get how Clayface fits in with the rest of the team. I am coming from the classic universe where he is one of Batman’s archenemies. Having him as part of this vigilante team seems out of place. This is not A knock on the writing, but I still can’t get passed Tim Drake not being Robin. He was, and will always be, Robin. I remember reading Year 3 for the first time and knowing that Batman was soon going to get his Robin back. Aside from Dick Grayson, Tim is one of my favorite characters in the DCU.

I don’t want to give away the big spoiler of the issue, but t I can say that I am definitely looking forward to picking up volume 2 to see where the story goes...