A review by smidge_the_goblin
There's No Toilet Paper on the Road Less Traveled: The Best Travel Humor and Misadventure by Doug Lansky


Hmmmmm, what can I say about this book? It's simply a collection of "vacations gone wrong" or travel blunders. Living overseas right now I thought it would make for an amusing read. The cover alone made the book interesting enough to pick up and the introduction and first few chapters were pretty amusing but the last half sorta fizzled out for me. However, the author admits from the start that it's a compilation of stories from different people with different writing styles and that stories that appeal to one won't likely appeal to all. Some of the authors were fantastic, but 2/3 of them seemed to be more interested in seeing how many obscure words they could use to describe their travel blunders than actually recounting them in an easy to follow and amusing way. All in all the book was "ok". Could have been a lot better but then again it could have really sucked.