A review by daphself
The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers: The Secret to Loving Teens Effectively by Gary Chapman


Although I found this book not informative to me, I can see the benefit that it will offer others who have teenagers.
This book is based on today's average teenager. Mind you, not all teens behave the same or behave like many others, but for those who have teens that are heavily influenced by the world and today's standards, each chapter of this book will help in understanding how to communicate with your teen.

With the 5 love language: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and gifts, a parent is sure to find one or a combination that would fit his/her teenager.

Gary Chapman also explains how to discover this love language and understanding your teenager's anger.

A latter chapter deals with single and blended families; although I was disappointed that it didn't deal with single parenting as a widow or widower.

Independence and responsibility is discussed as well as how to love your teen when he/she fails.

I can see this book helping a great many of families.

***I was provided this book through Moody Publishers in exchange of an honest and complete review***