A review by charvi_not_just_fiction
Poonachi: Or the Story of a Black Goat by Perumal Murugan


Poonachi is a book that will intrigue you from the very first page.
The story starts off as we get introduced to this man shrouded in mystery who brings out Poonachi into the light. Poonachi is a baby lamb so small and fragile that she could be mistaken for a mewling kitten. Left in the hands of a farmer we follow her journey as she struggles to live her life and survive against all odds. She faces various obstacles but persists despite them.

If you believe that this book is merely the story of the life of a goat then you are sorely wrong. This book talks about humanity and the ever so shifting nature of humans. We rejoice during happiness and praise everyone and everything but during times of despair and darkness we may turn against those very things. When humans are desperate they don't let anything stand in their way and throw emotions like love and kindness down the drain. This book talks of innocence and love- the love of a mother for her children, the love of a caretaker for his/her animals and romantic love. Throught Poonachi's riveting journey many aspects and core values of humans and animals are revealed but what stood out the most to me was that nothing is permanent.

No human or animal lives forever, no emotions whether love, pain or sorrow last forever and even nature is ever changing and to fight against it all is futile.

All in all this was a beautiful story. I only felt that the end was rather abrupt and sudden and failed to truly understand it's meaning. Nevertheless, a must read for all!