A review by divapitbull
A Very D Christmas by Jane Seville


So...I'm reading A Very D Christmas and ironically in the background the television is playing True Detective and I look up and see this:


At which point I think to myself, "Hmmmph, well that's certainly another way to deal with a 12 year old bully". Not that I'm really a proponant of THAT level of violence; but what I didn't like about AVDC - was the idea that 12 year olds aren't really "responsible for their behavior" and that in essence they get a free pass because "in 10 years they'll look back and feel ashamed" and "anything you do will make it worse". Well to quote True Detective pyscho boy "Fuck That". I would have liked to have seen D put a little fear of God into the rotten little bastards - nothing helps learning life lessons along better than real world consequences.

Anyway - other than that; the story was nice but it sort of meandered and there were a lot of weird inconsistencies. Not just character names but plot inconsistencies - like what happened to D having to get a new SS number because Anson Dane number 1 bit the big one - and his sister would have known this. And since when does Jack hate his family? I thought there was a lot of moaning and groaning about having to "give up his life and never see family and friends again"?

I still like D - and I like him better now that his "accent" seems to have mysteriously disappeared.