A review by crookedtreehouse
The Walking Dead Book 6 by Robert Kirkman


Goodreads suggests that if I like this volume, I might check out [b:Chew, Vol. 1: Taster's Choice|6839093|Chew, Vol. 1 Taster's Choice|John Layman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1409985990l/6839093._SY75_.jpg|7050578], which I have, and I love. This is a fantastic and appropriate recommendation, given the new villains presented in this storyarc, which I think of as "Tainted Meat."

(Non-plot spoiler alert: It's us! We're the tainted meat! God we suck as a post-zombie society.)

There are some plot twists in this volume that might work better than previous volumes plot twists, I'm unsure, as I could definitely see them coming, but even though I don't remember the details of the story from the first time I read this storyarc (when it came out), I have read it before, so my subconscious is being a bit of a cheater.

Much like the previous volume, this is a Road Trip book where the characters barely have time to get comfortable somewhere before they're on the move again. We also get to know Abraham and Eugene a bit more, much like we got to know Hershel and his family in Volume Two, so it doesn't seem like things are going to end well for them.

The callousness of the decision making in this book is intriguing as Rick doesn't appear to be making decisions based on his mental instability, but the fact the reader knows he's having problems dealing with reality calls all of his future decision making into question.